Loftware Cloud Document API Timeouts
Incident Report for Loftware Cloud
From June28 - July18, customers using Document API in several global regions may have faced intermittent performance issues and failed requests. This also includes functionality which depends on Document API, such as Documents interface in Control Center and Cloud Print API.

We apologize for this inconvenience. Our team had identified the root cause of instability and have mitigated the issue since July18, with a permanent fix deployed on July25.

Initial mitigation attempts to scale-out infrastructure and route traffic to new API instances were effective temporarily. However, an internal mechanism related to custom font caching was identified as root cause for errant behavior, impacting potentially all Document API instances. A patch fix for Rendering API Backend has been deployed to resolve this permanently.

If you have any additional concerns, please contact Loftware Technical Support:
Posted Jul 25, 2024 - 13:00 UTC